Sizing Images for Competitions

The maximum size for digital images for PDI competitions is 3840 pixels wide x 2400 pixels high, so please (re)size images as follows:
  • SQUARE - Set the size (width x height) to 2400 pixels x 2400 pixels;
  • PORTRAIT - Set the height to 2400 (so that the width is less than 2400);
  • LANDSCAPE - Set the width to 3840 or less, and the height to 2400 or less;
  • Please do NOT fill any unused area, this is not required.

Save each of your resized images as a JPG file with minimum or no compression (100% quality) and use the sRGB colour profile.
Use the following format of file name.
  • Title.jpg

Finally BEFORE you Upload or Send
Please check the name and image size in the operating system (right click and look at properties).

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