
Membership and Fee for 2024-2025

Benefits of Membership?
  • Weekly Club Meetings at Braunstone Civic Centre
  • Lectures and Presentations
  • Judged Digital Image Competitions
  • Judged Print Competitions
  • Monthly Studio Evenings
  • Monthly Members Support Evenings
  • Members Gallery on Website

New, prospective members may attend any two events free of charge, to come and meet us and see what we do. We welcome everyone who may wish to join us.

Go to New Members - FAQ for further details of membership.

The full subscription fee is £70. This will be appropriately reduced if you join part way through our programme; please ask the treasurer for the fee to pay.

Online Form to enable you to Register and with Details of How to Pay

LFPS - Data Protection Policy - 18 May 2018

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