Committee and Member Roles

The 2024 to 2025 Committee Members, Roles and Meeting Dates are listed below.

Committee Officers and Roles

Presidents - Susan Giblett & Kate Shaw
Vice President - Paul Taylor
Immediate Past President - John Whitby
Hon Secretary - Paul Taylor
Hon Treasurer - Anthony Mason

Programme Secretary - John Whitby
Membership Secretary - Anthony Mason
Room Bookings - Anthony Mason
Insurance - Anthony Mason
Website Co-ordinator - Anthony Mason
Studio Group Co-ordinator - Anthony Mason
Member Support Evening Co-ordinator - Anthony Mason
Trophies - Susan Giblett
Certificates and Labels - Susan Giblett
LFPS Competition Print Co-ordinator - Susan Giblett
LFPS Competition PDI Co-ordinator/PhotoEntry - Simon Brown
External Competition Co-ordinator - Paul Marriott
Meeting Minute Taker - Kate Shaw
Room Setup Co-ordinator - Kate Shaw
Social Secretary - Andrzej Jablonski
Communications and Publicity - Mike Dawes

Equipment - Committee

Committee Member - Derek Walker
Committee Member - Peggy Franks
Committee Member - Richard Green

Club Member Roles

Social Media - Peter Shale

If you are a member of LFPS and would like to submit a query or proposal to the committee, please use the Contact Us form on this page. If possible, please submit your query or proposal at least a week before the next meeting.

Meeting Dates for 2024 to 2025
Monday 1st July 2024
Monday 9th September 2024
Monday 11th November 2024
Monday 13th January 2025
Monday 10th March 2025
Monday 12th May 2025

Meeting Dates for 2025 to 2026
Monday 14th July 2025
Monday 8th September 2025
Monday 10th November 2025
Monday 12th January 2026
Monday 9th March 2026
Monday 11th May 2026

Contact Us