General Society Rules

As agreed at the Special General Meeting held on 25th July 2024.

Society Name
This society is called “Leicester Forest Photographic Society” hereinafter referred to as “The Society”. It is a members’ society working for the benefit of all its members, and is open to all those interested in Photography.

Objectives of The Society
The objective of The Society is to promote the advancement and enjoyment of photography in all its forms.

Governance of The Society
The governance of The Society is by an elected committee consisting of the following principal officers and a further 2 to 9 members:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Immediate Past President
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Programme Secretary

7 members of the committee need to be present to form a quorum at a committee meeting including at least one of the named roles.

The committee has the power to co-opt 2 further members.

The Secretary is The Society contact for all general correspondence, and notifies the committee of items in a timely manner.

The Treasurer collects all subscriptions and moneys due to The Society.

Selection of President and Officers
The retiring President remains in office as Immediate Past President until the following year.

The Vice President becomes the President the following year.

The committee elect one of their number to be the next Vice President.

The remaining Officers and Committee members become eligible for re-election annually at the following AGM. Nominations for officers and committee members, with accompanying names of proposer and seconder are submitted 21 days before the AGM and displayed on The Society's notice board. A vote takes place at the AGM.

The Annual General Meeting takes place on the final day of the season as described in the programme.

A balance sheet itemising all the income and expenses, audited by a member of the committee is readied for presentation and scrutiny at the AGM.

15 members of The Society need to be present at an AGM or SGM (Special General Meeting) to form a quorum.

The committee convenes at reasonable and frequent intervals in order to conduct the business of The Society in an orderly and efficient manner.

Minutes are taken for all meetings.

Special General Meetings
Special General Meetings may be convened on receipt of a requisition signed by at least five paid up members stating the object of the meeting and sent to the secretary at least twenty-one days before the proposed date of the meeting.

Membership and Subscriptions
The annual subscription is fixed for the following season at the Annual General Meeting and is payable on 1st September each year.

The Society does not accept members under the age of 18.

The Society will ensure that public liability insurance is in place to protect members and visitors.

Confidentiality of Personal Information
A database of members’ contact details is maintained by the Honorary Secretary. Reasonable care is taken to protect this information, which is not published or circulated inappropriately, and is stored securely.

Alteration to the Society Rules
The “General Society Rules" can only be changed at an AGM or an SGM called for that purpose (see above). A vote to change the "General Society Rules" requires a two thirds majority of the votes cast.

Dissolution of The Society
In the event that it is necessary to disband The Society permanently, all monies from bank accounts and those, if necessary, raised from the sale of assets shall be donated to suitable charities nominated by the members present at the AGM or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

The committee has full authority to deal with any contingency that may arise and which is not provided for in these rules.

Equipment purchased by The Society remains the property of The Society and is shown on the Balance Sheet and inventory.

The Society does not have responsibility for any individual member's infringement of copyright law.

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